Next Workshop – Saturday 24th June
In this One on One session, you’ll learn all there is to know about Live Streaming at an intermediate level, making your broadcasts stand out from the rest of the crowd.
A brief recap of the general settings you will need within OBS to ensure the best audio & video quality will be followed by an in depth look at the platform itself and all its capabilities.
There are thousands of tutorials on line (of which I have spent the last two years watching pretty much every one, lol) but there is nothing like having that direct interaction with someone who has made all the mistakes possible and now has perfected the LIVE STREAM process across several platforms at once, to all device sizes.
You'll even get the chance to TEST YOUR SETTINGS with access to a PRIVATE live YouTube and Mixcloud stream
WHO IS Andy Ward?
As I’m only sharing this to a few people at the moment, I’m fairly confident you’ll know who I am and all I’ve achieved with my online streaming, YouTube channel development and marketing of events.
As time progresses I’ll be adding a few words about myself here as I will be expanding my reach to a wider audience who may not be so familiar with my accolades.
Thank You for getting in now for my first set of Workshops.
These workshops will be presented in the light-hearted manner you’d expect but also with an eye to detail that I’ve been able to develop through trial and error during the last 6 or 7 years of my live streaming experiences.
Why this workshop?
let me show you the hidden features that took me years to perfect
Nothing like immediate feedback
We can pinpoint why you aren't getting the Live Streaming Results you need.
With access to a Live Streaming Portal on Mixcloud and YouTube, we can discover just how far you can push your equipment.
Your very own 3D logo or name in text. An overlay with animated social icons plus Bespoke Transition Graphic.
What people are saying

Workshop Details:
Cost = £50 for 2 hours,
(including FREE graphics package).
Saturday 27 May 2023 @ 4pm UK Time
Maximum ‘class’ size = 6 persons.
Once payment is made, you will receive further instructions via email, with links to join the Workshop. Nearer to the time you will receive your media pack to use on the LIVE STREAM tests, totally bespoke.
Before committing, if you have any questions drop me an email here.