There’s probably not much point me even trying to do a review of Southport’s 49th event, because I can hardly remember most of it.
I arrived late on the Friday night while the party was in full swing and a lot of people were already “well on their way”. Johnny Miller and Martin Lodge got the room literally full to bursting point, another great year for that inflatable bad boy (No, not you Martin… ha ha).
I didn’t ‘really’ start drinking until well into my 2 hour set and was concentrating way too much for my own liking to be able to relax and get the vibes of the tunes I was sharing. I played nice and tight and had the room rocking for most of it although to me it didn’t feel anywhere as ‘epic’ as my set last year in the Suncebeat Dome, to be fair I’d built it up so much in my mind that there was no way I was going to be able to do it justice to myself (remember me saying last week how I’ll end up over-analysing it all !)
I had a lot of people tell me over the course of the weekend that the loved what I played on the Friday so I know the job was a good one, I just wish I felt like I enjoyed it more myself.. just telling it like it is.
I hung around after my set and enjoyed Atjazz and Karizma doing their thing with Ross on bass and Natasha Watts on the mic.. it was a great vibe in there. I don’t remember getting to bed but I remember waking up way too early with the sun blaring through the paper-thin curtains of my hotel room.
I was back out Saturday ready for my 2nd set and after Johnny Miller again played some great music I came on and felt like I did myself more justice for my one hour deep house set. Well I enjoyed myself a lot more and the room once again was heaving! I felt a great sense of pride at all the kind words people were saying to me about my set, believe it or not I also felt a little embarrassed at the amount of people I didn’t really know who commented to me about the nonsense I talk on-line and on my show… all nice things they were saying but it made me realise that a lot more people see the shit I come up with than I think.
I hung around for Kerri Chandler who played a great set but it was totally different from what I expected, the afternoon was billed as a Deep House Session but he didn’t really do that in my mind (come on, I’m not criticising one of the best DJs out there or one of the nicest people I know, I’m just sharing my own thoughts on it). Little Stevie came on after him and smashed the room apart, playing a more apparent ‘Deep House’ sound for the yoot dem (and the old bastards). I spent the afternoon dancing and drinking and having conversations that I don’t remember anything about.
On the way to the Beat Bar (which I NEVER made it into… once !!) I bumped into Grant Nelson and Martin Ikin and we went back to their ‘Villa’ and I had one of the funniest afternoons of the year. We moaned about a few things (non Southport related), drank lots of spirits and tried to cook a pizza with an iron (actually I don’t think I ever got around to turning the iron on but I know we came close). The rest of that day and night is a blur. I remember dancing the whole weekend and talking to a lot of people but that’s about it for specifics. That’s really the way it was for most of Saturday and Sunday… I definitely got my dance on and made a specific effort to commit to listening to the DJs in the room I was in instead of going out my way to see everyone and then missing mostly everyone. I really only heard about 7 or 8 DJs all weekend I think.
Sunday was great, what I remember of it. Was great to see Ralf Gum and Monique Bingham and then Grant ended things off brilliantly.. people love him.. and so they should. Chaka Khan ” I feel for you”. Classic ! The night finished way too early for many and I am not ashamed to say that I had to slide away while everyone stood deciding where they were going to continue the fun. I was hurting bad so did the sensible thing and took a cab back to the hotel where I stayed off site.
I don’t even want to think about the horrible journey home to Spain yesterday. I left at 12 noon and got home at 1am. Wank.
Not the most in-depth review of a music event you’ll ever read but one for me, as always to look back on.
I never made it into way too many of the rooms and saw next to no live performances. I didn’t see any attitude and thought that it was another huge success for the guys. UpNorth Promotions are second to none and I am really looking forward to Croatia now.
As my brain cells start to repair I’m sure more will come back to me but I am feeling very sorry for myself right now and never want to drink again. This weekend I have two big gigs in Belgium and Amsterdam… thank God I have a few days to recover before then though.
Respect to ‘my’ Family, you know who you are, and Thanks to everyone who I shared a boogie and a joke with, I wish I could remember a lot more of the conversations I had (I know I had lots) and look forward to seeing any footage of my sets if you have some. I hardly spoke to one or two of my very good friends and missed quite a few others I was looking forward to catching up with.
I’m off to cry in a long hot bath.
2nd Feb’25. VB Radio Show with Andy Ward.
2 hours of archived material from the digital dungeons as we continue with the brand new energy for Vocal Booth Radio.
Andy you do make me laugh!
Your set was awsome and blew my mind on both days.
What a great atomosphere you caused – in fact the best.
Well done soulbrother and cannot wait to be in the room when you are djing again.
Thank you so much for making it a great weekender!
Thank You Suzanne… total respect x