Precious memories

Much of the content  is removed from the server after a few weeks.

Most radio shows and mixes should be available on my Mixcloud Channel or YouTube Archives

If there is anything specific you are after that you cannot find, get in touch as I hopefully have it saved on my Hard Drive.

Precious memories

Following on from my recent post of a classic mix tape, I got talking on Facebook to a friend who wondered if he was maybe ‘too much’ of a fan for having so many of my mixes on his computer.  He listed a few sets that he had but I told him that there were many more… just how many more even I didn’t realise.
Here is a list of ALMOST all the sets and radio shows I have accumulated over the years.  PLEASE don’t ask me for any now, but if there are any that catch your eye.. ask me in a few weeks after the Vocal Booth Weekender and we’ll ‘come to some arrangement’.

Marco Polo’s – back in the drug days !

Andy Ward @ marco polo’s 4 Pt1, date nk.mp3
Andy Ward @ marco polo’s 4 Pt2.mp3
Andy Ward @ marco polo’s July 93 Pt1.mp3
Andy Ward @ marco polo’s July 93 Pt2.mp3
Andy Ward @ marco polo’s Sept 93 Pt1.mp3
Andy Ward @ marco polo’s Sept 93 Pt2.mp3
andy ward @ marco polo’s, date nk (92 02 93) part two.mp3
andy ward @ marco polos, date nk (92or93) part one.mp3
AndyWard @ marco polos – Oct94.mp3

Archived mixes

Andy Ward – Classic Cuts, The Warehouse Days (clean).mp3
Andy Ward – Space Ibiza demo mix, 1999.mp3
andy ward & Rob Wallace live @ kanya, Ibiza 98.mp3
Andy Ward & Schooly, live @ Sunday Lockdown Jun98, part1.mp3
Andy Ward & Schooly, live @ Sunday Lockdown Jun98, part2.mp3
andy ward 1st ever Friday night mix show,1997.mp3
andy ward GBU jul97(ashley, kiddo &mick).mp3
andy ward live@prs boat party (96 or 97) b.mp3
Andy Ward lost tapes Dec97(ton-a-grooves Xmas special, U.S mix).mp3
Andy Ward lost tapes feb95.mp3
Andy Ward lost tapes Jul95.mp3
Andy Ward PreRelease Showcase Galaxy 102.2 FM, 2003.mp3
Andy Ward PRS Oct97.mp3
Andy Ward SGS 0ct97, hr1.mp3
Andy Ward SGS mar98.mp3
andy ward SGS oct97,martha .mp3
Andy Ward Soulful Garage Selection 22-02-1998 Choice 102.2.mp3
Andy Ward Soulful Garage Selection 24-04-1998 Choice 102.2.mp3
Andy Ward Soulful Garage Selection oct 1998 Choice 102.2.mp3
Andy Ward sunday lockdown Vol1 ’99.mp3
Andy Ward, Soulful Garage Selection with Patrick Smooth & Schooly, 2003.mp3

Live DJ sets

10 years Groovenight, live 20.2.2010.mp3
10 years of Groovenite closing sets (mastered).mp3
Andy Ward – 5 Years of SSRadio (Boat Party) 10.07.10.mp3
Andy Ward – 5 Years of SSRadio (Club) 10.07.10.mp3
Andy Ward @ Days LikeThis, Jun09.mp3
andy ward @ defected..pacha london may05
Andy Ward @ Housebox 10.mp3
Andy Ward @ Soul Heaven, Matter-London,28mar09 .aif
andy ward @vocal booth, jul99.mp3
Andy Ward & Christian G, live @ Movement NYC, 13th Nov 08.mp3
Andy Ward & Neil Pierce, live @ Soul Heaven. MoS Aug 07(192).mp3
andy ward in the cien,ibiza jul05.mp3
Andy Ward live @ Custard Factory, Choice FM alldayer 1998.mp3
andy ward live @ Eve-Bar Bochum, germany with, Honi&Sheriff, dec08.mp3
andy ward live @ Fuel, dec02 (soul central special) pt1.mp3
andy ward live @ fuel, dec02 (soul central special), pt2.mp3
andy ward live @ garage city 13.7.02 hr1.mp3
andy ward live @ garage city 13.7.02 hr2.mp3
andy ward live @ indi bar 2001.mp3
andy ward live @ marco polo’s – oct 96.mp3
andy ward live @ marco polo’s with daddy ev, sep95.mp3
andy ward live @ marco polo’s, may95.mp3
andy ward live @ marco polos,sax by c stanley mp3
Andy Ward live @ Southport Weekender 46, 10.30pm – 12.30pm.mp3
Andy Ward Live @Candelas, San Diego-nov 08.mp3
andy ward live @marco polo’s sep95 (mc’s bird & nar).mp3
andy ward live@blend, mar05.mp3
andy ward live@pin up-ibiza , jul03.mp3
andy ward live@prs boat party (96 or 97) b.mp3
andys set @ cielo.mp3
AndyWard/Neil Pierce live @ Soul Heaven Aug07.mp3
bobby & steve, vocal booth 2000.mp3
fuel-b’ham, closing party@bobby brown’s
andy ward @ fuel hr 4.mp3
andy ward @ fuel hr2.mp3
andy ward @ fuel hr3.mp3
andy ward @ fuel, hr1.mp3
live @ yum yums, 320kpbs orig
live@garage city. dec 00.mp3
live@Southport 33, Nov 03.mp3
live@vocal booth (ministry of sound bar b’ham), 2nd sep 99.mp3
live@vocal booth (ministry of sound bar b’ham), sept99.mp3
salsoul live, jul2010
soul central@amika, wmc06.mn2s party.mp3
soul heaven @ ministry of sound
andy ward @ soul heaven hour one, 26 oct 02.mp3
andy ward @ soul heaven hour two, 26 oct 02.mp3
andy ward live @ soul heaven, 22.6.02.mp3
andy ward live@soul heaven, 31.7.04.mp3
andy ward, soul heaven, feb 05.mp3
AndyWard & Garphie live @ Soul Heaven Bournemout, 14th mar09 pt1.m4a
AndyWard & Garphie live @ Soul Heaven Bournemout, 14th mar09 pt2.m4a
Uber 5th B’day @ Rainbow, Birmingham, Dec09 (entire night).mp3
Uber 5th B’day @ Rainbow, Birmingham, Dec09 (Euge, Dan Kelly & DJP).mp3
Uber 5th B’day @ Rainbow, Birmingham, Dec09 (Paul Henry, Carl Ackerman, Paul Griff, Phlash & Friends.mp3
Uber-Vocal Booth, May2010, pt1 of 3.mp3
Uber-Vocal Booth, May2010, pt2of 3.mp3
Uber-Vocal Booth, May2010, pt3 of 3.mp3
yum yum dec06.mp3

Commercial & harder sets

andy ward @ stars club, kazkhstan may05.mp3
andy ward & deep josh @ byblos, alicante may05 andy ends at ron carroll).mp3
andy ward live @ club magrib, russia 22aug05.mp3
andy ward live@matt & bren’s wedding(disco at the end is not aw).mp3
andy ward live@mundaka,spain 15.10.04.mp3

Radio shows

1xtra show, may06 hr 1(old skool tunes).mp3
1xtra show, may06 hr 2.mp3
andyward pressure sep06.mp3
andyward, pressure radio 1jan06.mp3
andy ward, pulse show jul 1.mp3
andyward pulse3.mp3
andyward pulse4.mp3
andyward pulse5 sep06.mp3
andyward pulse6,sep24.mp3, show2 jul06.mp3
Andy Ward Live SCFM22.1.06.mp3
scfm broadcast xmas eve 05.mp3
Andy Ward – TKO FM – 15th December 05.mp3
andy ward radio show 22.4.04.mp3
andy ward’s vocal booth live, 19.3.09.mp3
Andy Ward’s Vocal Booth, live from Spain, 18th Dec08.mp3
AndyWard Choice FM 96.mp3
into the vault, lock in special, 19.11.09 (full show, drunk at end).mp3
The Vocal Booth live from Ronda Ocho8, 1.10.09.mp3
THE VOCAL BOOTH with DJ ANDY WARD(Soulheaven, Soul Cental) live from COSTA BLANCA – SPAIN_Thu Mar 05 21.mp3
tko xmas05 pt1.mp3
tko xmas05 pt2.mp3
Vocal Booth 10.9.09.mp3
vocal booth 14.5 (tko broadcast 21.5.09).mp3
vocal booth live 3.9.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live 5.8.10 (#1).mp3
Vocal Booth live 7.5.09 part1.mp3
Vocal Booth live 7.5.09 part2 (including the lock in).mp3
Vocal Booth live 10.9.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live 11.3.10.mp3
vocal booth live 12.3.09.mp3
vocal booth live 21.5, for broadcast 28th may.mp3
vocal booth live 25.6.09 (2.7.09)..end cut off b4 mj death.mp3
vocal booth live 25.6.09, the day MJ died.mp3
Vocal Booth live 27.510.mp3
Vocal Booth live from Ronda Ocho8, 1.10.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live from Switzerland, 18.2.10.mp3
vocal booth live, 1.4.10.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 1.7.10.mp3
vocal booth live, 2.7.09 (9.7.09).mp3
Vocal Booth live, 3.12.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 4.2.10.mp3
vocal booth live, 4.6.09, TKO broadcast 11.6.09.mp3
vocal booth live, 5.11.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 8.10.09.mp3
vocal booth live, 9.7.09 (16/7).mp3
vocal booth live, 9.7.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 10.6.10.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 10.12.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 11.02.10.mp3
vocal booth live, 11.6 (broadcast 18.6).mp3
Vocal Booth live, 12.11.09.mp3
vocal booth live, 13.08.09.mp3
vocal booth live, 15.7.10.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 15.10.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 16.4.09.mp3
vocal booth live, 16.7.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 17.6.10.mp3
vocal booth live, 17.9.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 17.12.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 18.3.10, includes Nica Brooke interview.mp3
vocal booth live, 18.6.09 (broadcast 25.6).mp3
vocal booth live, 19.11.09.mp3
vocal booth live, 20.8.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 22.7.10.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 23.4.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 24.6.2010.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 24.9.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 25.2.10.mp3
Vocal Booth Live, 25.3.10.mp3
vocal booth live, 26.11.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 27.8.09.mp3
vocal booth live, 28.5.09.mp3
vocal booth live, 29.7.10.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 29.10.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, 30.4.09 (for broadcast 7th May).mp3
Vocal Booth live, 30.4.09.mp3
Vocal Booth live, end of year review 2009.mp3
Vocal Booth live, into the vault, lock in special, 19.11.09 (full show, drunk at end).mp3
vocal booth live, pressure radio oct08
vocal booth live,16.4.09.aif
vocal booth radio show, 9.4.09.mp3

Studio session mixes

Andy Ward – After Ours Vol 4, Summer Special ’09 (128).mp3
Andy Ward – After Ours Vol 4, Summer Special ’09.aif
Andy Ward – After Ours Vol 4, Summer Special ’09(320).mp3
Andy Ward – After Ours, Vol 2.mp3
Andy Ward – After Ours, Vol 3 (128).mp3
Andy Ward – After Ours, Vol 3 (320).mp3
andy ward – autumn love oct 2000.mp3
Andy Ward – Chronicles of Love Vol 3 (Feb 2010), 320 kpbs.mp3
Andy Ward – Classic Cuts, The Warehouse Days (clean).mp3
Andy Ward – Classic Cuts, The Warehouse Days (part one)128.mp3
Andy Ward – Classic Cuts, The Warehouse Days.mp3
Andy Ward – Classic Cuts, WMC97.mp3
andy ward – jan radio mix1.06.mp3
andy ward – nitelife 2000, u.s disc.mp3
andy ward – nitelife vol 1 1999, u.s disc.mp3
andy ward – nitelife vol 3, u.s disc 1 circa 2000.mp3
andy ward – nitelife vol2 u.s house 1999.mp3
Andy Ward – Transitions – Jan09.mp3
Andy Ward @ Soul Heaven, Matter – London,28mar09 (96kpbs).mp3
Andy Ward & Christian G, live @ Movement NYC, 13th Nov 08.mp3
Andy Ward & Neil Pierce, live @ Soul Heaven. MoS Aug 07(192).mp3
andy ward classic cuts 1.mp3
andy ward classic cuts 2.mp3
andy ward classic cuts 3.mp3
andy ward classic cuts 4.mp3
andy ward classic cuts 5 published as copy of 1.mp3
andy ward classic cuts 6.mp3
andy ward classic cuts 7.mp3
andy ward deeper session sep05.mp3
andy ward deeper session,oct05.mp3
Andy Ward Guest Mix Dec 09.mp3
andy ward guest mix for g.a dec05.mp3
andy ward in session – peaktime, jan05.mp3
andy ward in session – peaktime, jan05.wav
andy ward in session 1 apr05.mp3
andy ward in session 2 apr05.mp3
andy ward in session jun04.mp3
andy ward in session jun06.mp3
andy ward in session mar06.mp3
andy ward in session may05 peak.mp3
andy ward in session may05.mp3
andy ward in session nov05,peak.mp3
andy ward in session sep05,peak.mp3
andy ward in session, aug04.mp3
andy ward in session, aug05.mp3
andy ward in session, dec04.mp3
andy ward in session, feb 04.mp3
andy ward in session, jun05.mp3
andy ward in session, jun06 deeper pt2.mp3
andy ward in session, mar04 (seperated tracks)
andy ward in session, mar04..vino tinto.mp3
Andy Ward in session, May07.mp3
andy ward in session, mn2s mix april06.rar
andy ward in session, nov05 (dutty funk mix).mp3
andy ward in session, nov05 (peak)starts with dj tekin.mp3
andy ward in session, nov05 pt2 (peak) starts with eddy g.mp3
andy ward in session, one hot summer night, jun04.mp3
andy ward in session,a new life.mp3
andy ward in session,apr06 radio mix.mp3
andy ward jan 05, deep house music.mp3
andy ward jan 05, peak session.mp3
Andy Ward live  @ Soul Heaven,aug07.mp3
Andy Ward live  @ Soul Heaven.mp3
andy ward live @ Eve-Bar Bochum, germany with, Honi&Sheriff, dec08.mp3
andy ward live @ soul heaven, el divino jun08.mp3
Andy Ward Live @Candelas, San Diego-nov 08.mp3
andy ward mix for house fm, nov05.mp3
andy ward nov05, brs mix.mp3
andy ward sunshine soul, jul03.mp3
andy ward traxsource feb08.mp3
andy ward traxsource jul08.mp3
andy ward traxsource mix dec05.mp3
andy ward traxsource sep08.mp3
Andy Ward Traxsource, March09 .mp3
andy ward trxsrce dec08.mp3
Andy Ward, After Ours, Jul08.mp3
Andy Ward, After Ours, Vol 2. Feb09.aif
andy ward, chronicles of love 2,mar07 master.mp3
andy ward, deep house music, jun04.mp3
Andy Ward, deep mix Jul09.mp3
andy ward, deeper session aug05.mp3
Andy Ward, Finally, 2001.mp3
andy ward, inspired 1999.mp3
andy ward, saturday  night, vol3 2002.mp3
andy ward, saturday night 1. sept01.mp3
andy ward, saturday night vol 2. 2002.mp3
andy ward, september05 radio mix.mp3
andy ward, sunday morning vol 3 2002.mp3
andy ward, sunday morning vol1. sep01.mp3
andy ward, ton a grooves 6 – u.s house,1999.mp3
andy ward, vocal booth radio, 12 feb09.mp3
andy ward,house fm mix dec05.mp3
andy ward,miami sessions apr06.mp3
andy ward,soulful love songs(1 mix)
andy ward,vocalbooth show 29.1.09.mp3
andy ward’s klassic cuts 2.mp3
andy ward’s klassik cuts 1.mp3
Andy Ward’s Vocal Booth, live from Spain, 18th Dec08.mp3
andys set @ cielo.mp3
andyward classic cuts 7.mp3
andyward guest oct06.mp3
andyward housefm jan06.mp3
andyward in session jan06,deep.mp3
andyward in session jan08 (128).mp3
andyward in session jan08(320).mp3
andyward in session jun06,deep.mp3
andyward in session, jun05  (peak).mp3
andyward live @ el divino (1 hour only).mp3
andyward mn2s oct mix.mp3
andyward mn2s oct06 mix.mp3
andyward nyc radio mix, nov08.mp3
andyward tko mix 12.1.06(deep).mp3
andyward tko mix 12.1.06(peak).mp3
andyward traxsource mix oct06.mp3
andyward traxsource mix,sep07.mp3
andyward traxsource nov06.mp3
andyward traxsource nov07.mp3
andyward trxsrce jan07.mp3
andyward trxsrce jan08.mp3
andyward trxsrce may07 (192).mp3
andyward trxsrce mix mar07.mp3
andyward wmc08 mix.mp3
andyward,chronicles of Love Vol 1,nov06.mp3
aw in session dec06, deeper.mp3
aw in session dec06, pEAK.mp3
in session
soul central club mix,apr07.mp3
soul central club mix.mp3
soul central club nov07.mp3
soul central deep mix,apr07.mp3
soul central summer mix. aug07.mp3

UK Garage – four four beats and two step

andy ward – nitelife vol 1 1999, u.k disc.mp3
andy ward – nitelife vol 2 1999, u.k disc.mp3
andy ward – nitelife vol2 u.k garage 1999.mp3
andy ward nitelife 2000, uk disc.mp3
andy ward nitelife 2000, uk garage.mp3
andy ward on radio 1, 2 step mix.mp3
Andy Ward, Lockdown Sessions Vol II (ukg).mp3
Andy Ward, Lockdown Sessions Vol II.mp3
andy ward, ton a grooves vol 6 – uk garage.mp3
andy ward, uk garage set circa 2001 (new & old trax).mp3
The Dreem Team presents Andy Ward on Radio 1, 2 step mix,

Vocal Booth Weekender 2009

Sunday lockdown, Adz.mp3
Sunday lockdown, miloe & adz.mp3
Sunday Lockdown, miloe2.mp3
The Vocal Booth live from Ronda Ocho8, 1.10.09.mp3
Vocal Booth 10th Weekender, Friday night.mp3
Vocal Booth 10th Weekender, Saturday night.mp3
Vocal Booth 10th Weekender, Sunday Lockdown after party.mp3
Vocal Booth Weekender, Triple S Sessions, 2.10.09(master, not editted).mp3

Vocal Booth Club Sessions

Episodes 1 – 61


Streaming Gear I use and recommend:


Mac Mini M1 2020 (upgrade to 16GB RAM) =
Elgato Stream Deck =


1 x AOC U2879G6

1 x AOC 24B1W


Sony ZV1 =
Logitech Brio 4k (x2) =


Wave XLR =
DJI Mic2 =

DJ Kit:

Shure 55s Radio Mic =
DJ Controller = Pioneer XDJ-XZ
Technics 1210 Turntables =
Stylus; Ortofon DJ =

1 Comment

  1. I remember i mix for early 2000’s.. I have been looking for it for ages.. It’s a more garage like.. Starts of by repeating Andy Ward Andy ward Andy Ward and so on.. Can you help me out please anyone 🙂

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