Change of plan – Vocal Booth Radio Show continues

Much of the content  is removed from the server after a few weeks.

Most radio shows and mixes should be available on my Mixcloud Channel or YouTube Archives

If there is anything specific you are after that you cannot find, get in touch as I hopefully have it saved on my Hard Drive.

Change of plan – Vocal Booth Radio Show continues

If you are a lover of the VB Radio Show, you would have heard me say a couple of weeks ago I’d be taking June off whilst the studio got renovated.
Well, I say studio, I mean the extension come guest bedroom that’s been the home for my kit since early last year. Time (and money) has come to finally get the space at the back of the house properly converted into it’s own room. New roof, re-lined walls, new floor, furniture and shelving for the tunes. It’s the final piece of the jigsaw for our own little piece of paradise. We’ve had several guests stay out there and they all felt more than comfortable but it’s way off the mark with the rest of the house now.
I had been given the green light for work to begin first week of June but I knew this was being optimistic by my builder. After 4 days of feeling under the weather this week I was keen to get a start on shifting all the tunes and furniture. Whilst moving the last of the 8000 or so tunes this morning, my builder friend popped round to say he wasn’t going to be able to start for a few weeks. A little disappointed but also relieved that he told me before I took my turntables and mixer to get serviced tomorrow. Instead, I’ll wait a few weeks and have set up the decks back in the kitchen where they used to be and will continue with the show through June.  Work will now start June 28th.
I am taking progress photos and videos to share here when all the work is done. You can see a few on my Instagram account in the side of the website or here.
One downside is that, in my drunken state, I left my stylus’ at the club last weekend at the Uber/VB Family Summer Gathering so will need to purchase some new ones in the week. I’ll find something to play later 🙂
While we’re on the subject, check out the podcasts from the VB Family Summer Gathering here.
All the sets are really great, with the exception of mine and Simon’s (I think he played about 6 tunes lol, I kinda took over).
I guess I’m over critical. If you hadn’t heard, I got blind drunk towards the end of the night. I actually managed to play the whole three hours but the mixing is pretty sloppy, I play a couple of tunes twice and even though the music is really good, I had pulled out some not-so-obvious tunes to share but in my auto-pilot state I ended up just going for, what I consider, to be the obvious classics. Anyway… make your own mind up.
I felt like shit the day after the gig and have had a mild bug all week. I’ll never know if it was from getting so drunk or I caught it off the plane, either way I was knocked off my feet all week and really annoyed with myself. I genuinely think I’ll never get so wasted again but I also believe this is famous last words… sometimes the occasion just overcomes you, right !
Another reason I was so annoyed was because Michelle and I had such an amazing time the day before down in Luton for MR cSp & Susie’s wedding. It was great to see everyone in such pleasant surroundings and it was one of the most emotional set of wedding speeches I’ve ever heard.
Back home Monday evening, Tuesday I woke to the news of the passing of Dawn Green. We met Dawn around 6 years ago via a mutual friend here in Spain. She eventually became really good friends with many of the VB Family and was the inspiration for our first Balloon Release at VB. Death of those we know is always a time for reflection, as I have shared on FB recently, and it’s been a week where I’ve had a lot of time on my hands lay ‘ill’ and where I have taken stock of all the wonderful friends and family I have in my life. Yesterday we heard about the passing of Mohammad Ali, another amazing inspiration for millions and another major player in our childhoods.
We aren’t getting any younger folks, make every day matter ! Life is too short for silly games, petty arguments, family feuds. Take stock of all you do have in life and don’t focus on anything you don’t have. Sometimes it is outside of our control what others do or don’t do in life yet it is totally our choice how we deal with certain situations. Strive to be the best you can be. That is the ONLY thing you can say with 100% conviction is down to you !
My reflective mood, coupled with the fact that I was annoyed at playing “the same old tunes” at the party last week, brought me to the decision that I am not doing my summer residency again at Thai Beach this year. I had met with them a few weeks ago and confirmed I was to start in July, the truth of the matter is I just really can’t be bothered. I didn’t even want to do it last year but they actually begged me to and I caved in finally. I actually enjoyed it once I was there and am glad I have all nine sessions recorded but I wouldn’t want to have to spend another summer playing to a relatively empty terrace to a bunch of people who couldn’t give a shit about what they were hearing.
I’ve also turned down quite a few great gigs this year. I didn’t make a big song and dance about quitting DJing in the past and the increase of VB related gigs makes it seem like I am ‘back’ on the scene but it couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve got no gigs on the horizon now until VB in September, aside from a boat party here where I’ll be hosting it alongside Wookie. I love the fact I have no more gigs. Once the studio is all put back together and the tunes rehoused, I’ll get back to unearthing more forgotten gems every week, I’m so happy doing that and appreciate all your ears whenever you can make it or catch the podcast.
Thanks for reading, I could ramble on and on about random shit but I won’t. Let’s leave that for Facebook 🙂


Streaming Gear I use and recommend:


Mac Mini M1 2020 (upgrade to 16GB RAM) =
Elgato Stream Deck =


1 x AOC U2879G6

1 x AOC 24B1W


Sony ZV1 =
Logitech Brio 4k (x2) =


Wave XLR =
DJI Mic2 =

DJ Kit:

Shure 55s Radio Mic =
DJ Controller = Pioneer XDJ-XZ
Technics 1210 Turntables =
Stylus; Ortofon DJ =

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