It’s been a very busy week… how did it become Thursday all of a sudden ?
I wanted to give you some news about a special date lined up in the summer. It is just one of a serious of big parties connected with the VB and Pressure Radio celebrations.
The Summer Ball on June 29th will take place in the midlands in a four star hotel and spa. It will be an invitation only affair. As a subscriber of my blog you will be sent details on how to obtain tickets, once all rooms have been allocated to the Vocal Booth Family I will then also make any spare bedrooms available. That is all the information you are getting for now, so be sure to lock the date in your diary.
Very soon I will be releasing details and venue information on the VB2013/Pressure Radio European Tour… there are some BIG things lined up for that.
I’ll catch you on the airwaves tonight from 8pm GMT or on the podcast.. if you want a shout out please leave a Facebook comment below.
12th Jan 25 VB Radio Show with Andy Ward. A tribute to Paks.
2 hours of archived material from the digital dungeons as we continue with the brand new energy for Vocal Booth Radio.