I woke up today at 5.57am.. I tried to pretend I wasn’t as awake as I was. It didn’t work.There is something horrifying about waking up the ‘wrong’ side of 6am isn’t there, especially on a weekend (but I guess every day is a weekend when you are an international jet setter like me !)
I have no website to tinker with so I thought I would have a bit of a ramble. It helps me offload all this clutter in my head and sail forward through February. Welcome to February, by the way. Thanks January, you were uncharacteristically mild and fairly sunny, but I’m glad you’ve pissed off !
I had intended on giving you a run down on my manual labour that I was involved with early in the month, but decided it was far too unimportant, although at the time I loved the fact that I walked around with a tool belt on, a massive big rubber sledge-hammer and had to work 30 feet in the air on a hydraulic platform. I felt like a real man, if only I could find one ! (boom, tish). I was ‘helping out’ at my wife’s golf store where she works, they needed to totally empty their old factory, remove changing rooms, fill holes in the wall, cables, paint and clean, take down nets and remove the signage from the front (sorry, looks like you’re getting the boring details after all).
Here are my days in picture form.
As banal as it sounds, I was proud of all the hard work I did, single-handedly, and was definitely grateful of the honest days’ wages ! Give me a crowd of miserable Portuguese teenagers any day over a proper job. The bleak January made me appreciate just how blessed I have been for the last few years and also to regain a respect for money that is easily lost when one gets paid so well for doing a job one loves. For example.. I had to go take money out of a cash machine yesterday and it wanted to charge me €6 for the fact it wasn’t my actual bank’s ATM. Many times in the past I would have just accepted that, to save the hassle of finding the right bank, but not anymore ! So.. basically , BIG UP ! to all of you for your real jobs and your real life’s crisis’.
I have totally lost the reason for starting this.. oh that’s right.. there wasn’t one ! it is now 7.02am. I feel like I am in a different time zone in some crazy country waiting for breakfast to open in the hotel. I miss visiting those mad places, I don’t miss travelling to them. Make sense ? I am so very happy at home regardless of having to check which is the cheapest milk now when I go shopping, I think I’m finally starting to grow up.
You wouldn’t have thought this, if you listen to my radio show from Thursday. To celebrate the launch of the VBW site (I’m still waiting to build your site btw) I decided to have a drink with the crew as we all listened to the wonderful music. One bottle of red wine and a fair few glasses of absinth later.. cue the slurring and repeating myself every 5 minutes. It was painful to listen back to, but then again it’s probably like that for you every week listening ? I was written off all day yesterday and is probably the reason I woke up so early today, dehydrated to the max (the three bottles of beer last night couldn’t have helped).
After this weekend is over, I’m back into my running and hitting the weights. Time to shift this winter fat, even though it has gone extremely cold here for the region in the last few days, it’ll soon be over and the sun will be out again. To also help me lose weight I am currently doing 3 days a week promoting the Great Golf Company around the golf courses of the region. I would love to make this sound more glamorous than it is but basically I’m a flyer boy ! I have no problems with this. It gets me out of the house and earns me an hourly wage which all adds up to a little treat at the end of the month, like a few cartons of the expensive milk. I’m easily pleased nowadays. I really should get a job at marketing, I come up with some great ideas and seem to get on with most people I talk to when I’m out and about. Apparently my hard work from the last week alone is paying off and the customers are flooding in now (well one man bought a T-shirt for a tenner). Watch this space.. it’s the start of big things ! By the way, if you play golf check out the VBW site for details on the Golf Day we are having this year.
Boy.. I can write some nonsense, can’t I. You still with me ? Right… next up.. my falling apart !
I recently commented on Facebook about going bald. I’m now losing my eye site and type this wearing reading glasses. I like the novelty of something new in my life and, while the glasses aren’t that expensive and therefore you won’t be seeing me in them until I can afford a nice pair, they do make a difference although I can manage perfectly well without them. Not sure if it’s vanity or whatever that made me not want to admit they made a difference, but it was sheer coincidence how I got these. When in the studio with Deep Josh the other day we had a break and headed into town where he lives. His father owns an opticians and I decided to have an eye test while Josh popped to the bank. Apparently after 40 you are recommended to wear glasses to stop your eyes from tiring, especially when typing loads of nonsense on a daily basis in front of a screen. So here I am ! Go get your eyes checked. I saw some lovely Malcolm X style frames so I’m gonna treat myself to those next time I go over. Oh and the baldness thing, that’s only when I’m too lazy to keep my hair short and it grows so you can see where it is thinning. I have no idea what I’m going to do when it starts to ACTUALLY disappear, I don’t think the total slap head will suit me.. but then I never imaged myself in glasses… the excitement that it all brings is too much !
I’ve been typing forever. It’s now 7.25am. What time does “Wackaday” start ? I awoke to an email from Julian Bendall asking if I wanted to do a HIGHFY tonight, I have loads to talk about. Perfect timing.
Before I forget, may I recommend this blog. There are some great recipes on it and some great writing by Dani Fagan of S.O.S radio fame. Check it out !
I think that’s it.. I’m sure there is loads more but I feel unburdened enough for now. Thanks for listening. Tell me something equally as boring about your days in the comments, and seriously, get in touch, I really want to make a website for you !
UPDATE – Just went to burn some CDs and my macbook writer is broke. SMH.
16th Feb’25. VB Radio Show with Andy Ward.
2 hours of forgotten gems from the vinyl archives. Back to the original format of unearthing lost treasures in all their forms.
That looks like the perfect venue for an “illegal” rave…..perfect way to make some money!
yes Loz.. the thought did occur to me on several occassions.
Andy , stay of the fizzy pop mate , it might be cheaper than cheap milk , but man it makes you as high as a kite lol
Looking forward to HIGHFY.
this made me laugh … spot on again Wardy… welcome to mid life crisis… you’ll be squeezing yourself into lycra soon .. or has that already happened :O)